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Rees Howells Biography

Rees Howells Biography
Rees Howells

Rees Howells

Rees Howells seemed destined for a typical life in a small mining town in Wales. He was the sixth child of eleven, and at the age of twelve, he left school to follow in his father’s footsteps as a miner. However, even the remote town of Brynamman began to change when Wales experienced a revival in 1904 and 1905.

Along with many others, Rees was caught up in this powerful move of God. He began to sense that God was calling him to leave the mines. In what was to become a hallmark of Rees Howells life, he declared to God, “I believe you are able to keep me better than that mining company.” He began to realize the importance of intercession for sustaining the new converts that resulted from the revival. Early in his journey of faith, he understood the significant impact, both personal and social, of a prayer filled life.

Rees Howells married in 1910, and soon after he and his wife felt called to be missionaries to South Africa. This was a deeply challenging vocation for them as, at that time, this would mean having to leave their newly-born son in Wales. Despite the pain this caused, they decided to leave for South Africa. There, they soon began to experience the same sense of God’s presence as during the Welsh revival. The Howells travelled 11,000 miles throughout South Africa, seeing many thousands making decisions to follow Christ.

It seemed that the next logical step would be to establish a global ‘revival’ ministry. However, it became clear that God was asking them to follow a different path. They were to return to Wales and establish a bible college. This seemed an impossible task, as all they had was two shillings. Following in the footsteps of George Muller, they prayed that God would provide. After many instances of miraculous provision , they were able to purchase a number of properties and establish a thriving Bible college. A record of accounts from 1939 shows that the college’s income, mostly resulting from gifts, matched its expenses down to the last penny.

Despite seeing so much happen in South Africa with those that did not know Christ, Rees began to feel called to a more ‘cloistered’ life as an intercessor. With a rise in faith resulting from seeing his prayers for provision for the Bible college answered, he began to lead the college in a lifestyle of prayer on behalf of events, people and nations throughout the world. Rees Howells developed eight principles of intercession that continue to have a wide influence on the church. For him, intercession was not an optional isolated activity, but rather the result of following the crucified Christ. He said, “As the crucifixion of the self proceeds, intercession begins.”

He joins a long list of contemplatives, beginning with the desert fathers, who saw their chosen life not as a removal from the world, but instead a way of engaging with God on behalf of the world, for the world.

About The Author


  1. Matthew Libby

    Rees Howell intercessor was recommended to me by a friend

  2. Okafor Chinasa

    His story is very inspiring, especially if you have doubts on surrendering to God’s will.

  3. Tendai Bindura

    This is a great testimony which has uplifted my spirit. Thank you for making it available. I come from Chimanimani in Zimbabwe where Rees had this great encounter. It is a blessing that I didn’t know much about.


    THANX FOR ALL OUR SAVIOR, JESUS, ABBA AND SPIRIT DOES FOR SOUL-WINNING, which is what animated Rees and Elizabeth Hannah Howells. thanks to believers who share these stories/HALL OF FAITH, CONTNUED, and resources. shalom & aleluia.

  5. Margie Clute

    I read Rees Howells Intercessor years ago. I recently read James W. Goll’s book, The Prophetic Intercessor, and he mentioned Rees Howells. It triggered my memory. Looking forward to reading it again.

  6. Carolina Wallace

    Thanks for putting it free online! God bless you!

  7. Sharon Sampson

    I think that to be called as an intercessor of this magnitude is great. I thank God for the intercessors throughout the world.

  8. Sharon Sampson

    I feel God pulling me.back to intercession thru this and I am thankful for being able to download the book for free.

  9. Lucy roche

    My pastor read and spokerspoker highly of this book and the man it
    Waswritten about…I’m excited about what God can do

  10. Billy

    This book changed my prayer life in a ton of ways when I read it 35 years ago. Thanks for making it available. I gave away my copy and haven’t seen it in stores for years.

  11. Mark Jabusch

    I read Rees Howells, Intercessor many years ago and the Lord still uses it to speak to me. Intercession is a major part of any work of God.

  12. Jonathan Wiliams

    The ministry of REESE HOWELS was a real blessing to Wales and the world at large and if you
    desire to become a prayer warrior and intercessor then you must read this book
    and may God bless you abundantly in doing so. I have read this book during 1998 and was
    blessed by its contents. Thanks for availing this wonderful book to our fellow brothers and
    sisters in Christ Jesus.

  13. Gillian

    I had to read this book for one of my bible college classes.Next to the Bible it is the book that has radically transformed my life. As I read this book , the Holy Spirit began to do a deeper work in me.A work of dying to selfish ways and self centeredness and living for Him and others. This has freed me into a life of purpose and joy.

  14. jean

    I am reading this for the second time, and am so glad; there was so much I couldn’t absorb as a “baby Christian”; now I am truly inspired, and have come to uunderstand the process of sanctification and preparation for God’s purpose in my life in a much better way–in other words, I can’t get by just “doing the word”, etc; I need to know God’s voice and learn what His specific will for my life is.
    though I don’t need the download, I am thankful for its availability, and for the picture of him provided

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  16. Donna

    Thank you, a friend has just reminded me of this book, my husband and I read it quite a lot of years ago. It was very inspirational!! The book is packed away in storage with most of our other Library books so I am very excited to be able to download the book and to do it free is a bonus too. Thank you for making it available.

  17. shirelle

    I am reading this book and I..,THANK….GOD! Its like my life being expounded upon, now I understand what God is doing. No one would believe the things I was doing or hearing IN THE CHURCH! God will bless you mightily.

  18. Ezeigwe Chukwuebuka

    Thank You for the good work, you are affecting lifes across the world through this.

  19. Arcelia

    Thank you! This is an answer to prayer to be able to read right away…there are so many confirmations in this book and I am so thankful to have fellowship 🙂

  20. Hughena da Silva

    I will be 70 yrs old soon and read this book decades ago. Thank you for making it available so that I can read it in large print!

    Thank you for blessing us.

  21. Christie

    I lent Intercessor to someone years ago and it was never returned. It is such an inspirational book. Thank you so much for this gift.

    • Child of God

      I was born 100 years after Rees and have just finished reading his testimony 40 years after it was initial written. I am not sure what God is going to do, but as Mr.Grubb has said “Whatever you are up too God, I would like to be a park of it. May I?

  22. Greg K

    I had given the book to a friend to help him see how God can move in a person’s life. Thank you for allowing it to be a free download. It is a great inspirational story. I am so looking forward to reading it again.

  23. Dimitar

    Thanks for putting it free online! Read it several years ago few times – a powerful story! God bless you!

  24. Fred Ehlers

    So much can be learned from this book on how God molds people and uses them for His Glory! Thank you Renovare Life for this biography. And thank you Inspirational Christians for making the book “Rees Howells: Intercessor” available to download.

  25. Jake S

    Fantastic! That’s so brilliant I can download the Rees Howells biography book for free!!! THANK YOU!

    • Joysong

      found it thank you.. wonderful

      • Venco Nakov


        My name is Venco Nakov and I am pastor from Macedonia. My passion is to see the healing of the Balkan nations and we are involved in much intercession and prayers for present reality to change by the coming of God’s Kingdom.

        Would that be possible to have this book free? Living in Macedonia and buying books on the Western market is not always easy.
        May His Kingdom come and His will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

        In His service,
        Venco Nakov


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